Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 14!

We had another monthly exam on Friday. Everything is going as it should be and with every sound of it's heartbeat we're literally falling for our baby. We're so excited that in less than a month we will have a clue of what we're having! Chris has been so caring towards my random hunger swings, what I can and can't handle smelling or how sensitive I am towards driving. Sat. evening I woke up at 3:00am rushing to the bathroom and remained in a state of unpleasantness for over 3hours! It's hardly this bad, but when it hits, it hits hard!! Chris was at my every need and prepared our thick comforter and quilts on the couch so I could sleep sitting up. My husband comes from a family of 12kids and has many qualities I often lack, but am learning by his example of putting others before myself in such away as he does, no matter the hour.

Many friends and family members have asked what we each would prefer, I'll honestly be happy with either a girl or boy. I admit a girl would be fun to dress up, take skating, but a Mommy's boy would be just as sweet! WHO KNOWS! We'll have to wait and see, but put in your Comment what you think we'll have! We're both comepletely clueless and have no idea.


Amanda said...

I think a girl. But secretly I hope it's a boy so I can buy him little saddle-shoes like the ones Owen and Dander wore yesterday!

You should put a poll on your blog.

The Brown Family said...

Good idea, I wasn't sure how to do it at first, but figured it out!! :)

Leah said...

I think your going to have... A GIRL!

Holly said...

I'm guessing a boy just because every construction guy needs a little guy to follow him around! :)

The Cahoons! said...

I'm guessing a girl because you already have a name set in stone for her! But Porter would love having a boy to play in the dirt with! :)